Anne Deighton
My research interests centre upon the Cold War, the historical development of European integration, post-cold war security, and British foreign policy.
University Commitments
2009-12: Course Director, European Politics and Society, MPhil course, European Governance, core course convenor; European International History since 1945, option convenor.
Chair, Cyril Foster Committee, 2008-11: Chair and host for Cyril Foster lectures: 2 February 2011, Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon 4 November 2010, Professor Harold James, International Order after the financial crisis? 24 November 2009, William J Burns, USS, State Department, America and the world in a new order.
External activities
-Committee member of conseil scientifique de la recherche historique de la dfense, Ecole militaire, Paris.
-Member, steering group, Europe in Transition, Research Board of the Division for Science at the Research Council of Norway, Oslo, Norway.
-Advisory board of NORCENCOWAR research project, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
External assessor for professorial and other appointments, in Denmark; Norway; Switzerland; University of Warwick, UK.
-Sometime Council and Executive Committee member, Chatham House (Royal Institute for International Affairs), London
-Member of the editorial/ advisory board: Contemporary European History; Cold War History; Journal of European Integration History, Twentieth Century British History
-Professeur invit: SAIS, John Hopkins, Bologna, Italy, 2013; Sciences Po, Paris, France, 2010; Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland, 2005-6. Also, Paris III, and Paris I, France; ULB, Belgium
From crisis to new dynamics in the European Community, 1973-1983, in The European Community in the 1970s and 1980s, ed Johnny Laursen, Nomos, 2014
Publications, from 2010
The British in Strasbourg: negotiating the European Convention on Human Rights, 1950, inHuman Rights in Europe in the Cold War, eds Rasmus Mariager, Karl Molin and Kjersti Brathagen, Routledge, 2014, pp26-42
Germany and East-Central Europe, 1945-1990: the view from London in eds Mark Kramer and Vit Smetana,Iron Curtain and East Central Europelater, Harvard UP, 2014 (also published in Czech inSouDobe Ejiny, 2012, 3-4, 472-498)
Great Britain and the Vienna Summit of 1961 inThe Vienna Summit of 1961 and its importance in international history, eds Gnter Bischof, Stefan Karner, Barbara Stelzl-Marx. (Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series, Mark Kramer, ed.), Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014. (German edition: Der Wiener Gipfel 1961 Kennedy-Chruschtschow,Studien Verlag, Innsbruck, 2011.)
Don and Diplomat: Isaiah Berlin and Britains early cold war, Cold War History, 13:4, 2013
Defensive personal leadership and its unintended consequences: Ernest Bevin and Human Rights in Europe, 1948-1950, Living Political Biography: Narrating 20th Century European Lives, ed Ann-Christina Knudsen, Aarhus UP, 2013, 87-108
Our Scandinavian Allies: Britain, Norway and the Council of Europe in Britain and Norway: Special Relationships, eds Helge Pharo and Patrick Salmon, Oslo University Press, 2012, 229-253
The EU, multilateralism, and the use of force, in The Changing Character of War, eds Hew Strachan and Sibylle Scheipers, OUP, 2011, 315-333
The EUs strategic crisis: temporary or fatal?
Ernest Bevin in Mental Maps of the Cold War, eds Jonathan Wright and S Casey, Palgrave, 2010
Britain and the Cold War, 1945-1955, in Cambridge History of the Cold War, eds Melvyn Leffler & Arne Westad, CUP, 2010, 112-133
Three ministers and the world they made: Acheson, Bevin, Schuman, and the making of the North Atlantic Treaty 1949, in Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Security, eds JM Hanhimaki, G-H Soutou, Routledge, 2010, 3-17
Berlin in Moscow. Isaiah Berlin: Academia, diplomacy and Britains Cultural Cold War, in Du Luxembourg a lEurope: pour Gilbert Trausch, ed Monique Kieffer, Editions St Paul, 2010, 559-71
La politique trangre et de scurit aprs la fin de la guerre froide in Lexprience Europenne: 50 ans de construction de lEurope, 1957-2007, Des historiens en dialogue, eds Robert Frank et al., Bruylant, Nomos, 2010, 363-383
Before 2010
Review article, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 20: 2, 2009, 368-371
The EC/EU: a world security actor? 1957-2007, ed Anne Deighton with Gerard Bossuat, Paris: Soleb, 2007, 432pp. published in French as les CE, acteurs de la securit mondiale. Bilan de 50 ans de relations extrieures
European integration history, Waseda Journal of Political Science and Economics, No.368, July 2007 (in Japanese)
Securing Europe? Implementing the European Security Strategy, ed Anne Deighton, Zurich: ETH Zurich, 2006
A different 1956: British responses to the Polish events, June November 1956, Cold War History, vol 6 no. 4, 455-475, 2006. This also appears in Polish in 1956: Polski Pazdziernik, ed P Redakcja et al Warsaw, 2006, 235-263
Entente no-coloniale?: Ernest Bevin and the proposals for an Anglo-French Third World Power, 1945-49, Diplomacy and Statecraft, vol 17, 2006
Ernest Bevin and the Idea of Euro-Africa from the interwar to the postwar period, in LEurope Unie et LAfrique, eds M-T Bitsch et Gerard Bossuat, Brussels: Bruylant, Paris: LGDJ, Baden-Baden, Nonoms-Verlag, 2005
New Dictionary of National Biography entry on Lord Strang, Oxford: OUP, 2004
Mitterrand, Thatcher and the Berlin Wall, in Richard Mayne et al (eds), Cross Channel Currents: 100 years of the Entente Cordiale, London: Routledge, 2004
Reassessing the fundamentals: the European Security and Defence Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2002, now also published in, Integration in an expanding European Union: Reassessing the fundamentals, JHH Weiler, Iain Begg and John Peterson (eds),Oxford: Blackwell, 2003
Vers un territoire scuris: la scurit dans lUE depuis le 11 septembre 2001, Vers les primetres de scurit? la gestion des espaces continentaux en Amrique du Nord et en Europe, eds M Fortmann, A Macleod, S Roussel, Outremont, Quebec: Athena editions, 2003
Dynamiques europennes: nouvel espace, nouveaux acteurs, 1969-1981, ed with Elisabeth du Rau, Robert Frank, Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2002
Minds not Hearts: British policy and West German rearmament, in Debating Foreign Affairs, ed Christian Haase, Berlin: Philo, 2003
The Second Application for Membership of the European Communities, in: Oliver Daddow (ed.), Harold Wilson and European Integration: Britains Second Application to join the EEC, London: Frank Cass, 2002
911 and NATO, Superterrorism: Policy responses, ed Lawrence Freedman, Oxford: Blackwell, 2002 119-134. Also appeared in special issue of Political Quarterly.
The Past in the Present: British Imperial memories and the European Question, in Memory and Power in Postwar Europe, ed Jan-Werner Mueller, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, 100-120
European Union Policy, in Anthony Seldon (ed), The Blair Effect: The Blair Government 1997-2001, London: Little, Brown and Company, 2001
Constructing a cold war peace, Diplomatic History, Vol. 25, No. 1, Winter 2001
Why St Malo Matters, in The New Transatlantic agenda: facing the challenges of global governance, Hall Gardner & G. Radoslava (eds), Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001
The second British application for membership of the EEC, in Wilfried Loth (ed), Crises and Compromises: the European project, 1963-1969, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2001
Britain & Germany, 1945-1972, in Uneasy Allies: British-German Relations & European Integration since 1945, Klaus Larres (ed),Oxford: OUP, 2000
British Foreign Policy-Making: the Macmillan Years, in Wolfram Kaiser and Gillian Staerck (eds), British Foreign Policy, 1955-64: Contracting Options, London: Macmillan, 2000, 3-18
The European Union and NATOs war over Kosovo: towards the glass ceiling? in Alliance Politics, Kosovo, and NATOs war: Allied Force or Forced Allies?, ed Pierre Martin and Mark R Brawkey, Hampshire: Palgrave, 2000
The Military Security Pool: towards a new security regime for Europe?, The International Spectator, Vol. XXXV, No. 4, October December 2000
The Remaking of Europe: 1945-1989, in Michael Howard and Wm. Roger Louis (eds), Oxford History of the Twentieth Century, Oxford: OUP, 1998, pb 2000
Labour, New Labour and European integration, 1945-1999, in An Anglo-German dialogue: the Munich Lectures on the history of International Relations, A M Birke, M Brechtken, A Searle (eds), Munich, 2000
Before 2000 includes
Widening, Deepening, Acceleration, the European Economic Community, 1957-1963, ed Anne Deighton and AS Milward, Baden-Baden: Nomos, Brussels: Bruylant: 1999
WEU, 1948-1998: From the Treaty of Brussels to the Treaty of Amsterdam, ed Anne Deighton with Eric Rmacle, Brussels: Institut Royale des Relations Internationales: 1998
Western European Union, 1954-1997, Defence, Security, Integration, ed Anne Deighton, Oxford/ Reading: EIRU, 1997
Limage de 1958 en Grande-Bretagne: changement et continuit, Lavenement de la Ve Rpublique, ed Maurice Vaisse, Paris: Fondation Charles de Gaulle, Armand Colin, 1999
The Last Piece of the Jigsaw: Britain and the Creation of Western European Union, 1954, Contemporary European History, Vol. 7, No. 2, July 1998
Ostpolitik or Westpolitik?: British foreign policy, 1968-1975, International Affairs, Vol. 74, No. 4, October 1998
The cold war in Europe, 1945-1947, in Explaining International Relations since 1945, Ngaire Woods (ed), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996
Building Postwar Europe: National Decision-Makers and European Institutions, 1948-1963, ed Anne Deighton, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1995/ 2003
The Impossible Peace: Britain, the Division of Germany and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945-1947, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990, 1993 (paperback)
Britain and the First Cold War, ed. Anne Deighton, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990
Research interests
Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, Institutions and organisations, Violence, security and conflict, European Union, Foreign Policy and diplomacy, History, International relations, International security, States
Lessons from history for the Brexiteers, The Guardian, 24 May 2016

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